It’s been a couple months, so you may need to go back about 2 pages to catch up one what’s going on!
Those of you on twitter twitter might remember that I’ve been spending the past two months recovering from a concussion, which made any task requiring problem-solving (such as drawing a comic page) an almost insurmountable obstacle. Thankfully I’m much better now, and I’m eager to get back to these characters whom I love so much.
It frustrates me that the update schedule for this comic has never been consistent, but I’m eternally grateful for you patient readers who are still invested in this story. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for checking back on my lil website and reading my comic! I’m going to work hard to get back to a once-a-week schedule, so that “weekly on Brabo®” bit in the header can finally be accurate. Thanks so much for reading! See you soon!